Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reduce Weight Without Dieting

Reduce Weight Without Dieting
Reduce Weight Without Dieting - Strict diets often become the choice of many people to get an ideal body shape. But in some people it gives rise to restrictions on eating these side effects such as decreased until metabolisme tubuh depletion of energy to work. In addition to diet, in fact you can apply the strategy of streamlining easily but should be a part of the lifestyle. Six steps of this one:

Research proves that the breakfast routine will keep the weight off. But the menu is chosen should be low in fat, contain complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber equipped.

Eat foods low in calories

Fill your plate with low calorie food such as fruit, vegetable, or complex carbohydrates. These foods make your stomach longer satiety so you won't "kalap" at the sight of other foods.

Start with Soup

At lunch or dinner, the menu-based vegetable soup pilihlh or contain vegetables. The soup will overcome hunger pangs exaggeration so you won't be tempted to enjoy food with high calories.

Come late
Arrive late at the event party or banquet meal will make your dinner portion is reduced.

Divide lunch menu

When lunch arrives, try to divide the menu into a half-eaten during lunch, You enjoy half again towards the afternoon.

Exchange with mustard mayonnaise
A teaspoon of mayonnaise has 100 calories, whereas a teaspoon of mustard has 10 calories.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Help Prevent Diabetes Cheese

Help Prevent Diabetes Cheese
Help Prevent Diabetes Cheese - There are excited for cheese lovers kaber. Processed milk products are rich in calcium and vitamins known to help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. But of course must be balanced with a healthy diet and active moves.

Initial research conducted the research team of the European mention people who have the habit of eating cheese at risk 12 percent lower diabetes compared to those who are affected are not like cheese.

The research was published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition this examines the extent product of refined intake affects milk type-2 diabetes development in eight European countries.

"Intake of dairy products not associated with diabetes. Cheese consumption is one of the dairy products tend to have a reverse relationship with diabetes, "said researchers.

For those who don't like the cheese does not have to worry. Because eating milk mixture is also associated with a lower risk of diabetes, including other fermented products like yogurt and fermented milk.

The researchers can't explain why this correlation exist, but they suspect that it has something to do with the fermentation process that is involved in the manufacture of cheese.

Although the researchers did not itemize conclusion abstract which country the incidence of diabetes may be scrutinized, it will tend to be lower for those who have a more active lifestyle. The researchers also confirmed that the decreased risk of diabetes in the population as a whole, not solely because only cheese consumption only.

However, those who already suffer from diabetes mellitus, cheese consumption should be limited porsinya. The American Diabetes Association recommends low-fat cheese as an option.


Monday, September 3, 2012

8 Awesome Benefits of Bananas

8 Awesome Benefits of Bananas
8 Awesome Benefits of Bananas - There are many reasons to start loving Your bananas. In addition to the easy to obtain and the price is relatively affordable, the banana has a myriad of health benefits. The fruit is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Banana also contain vitamins, namely C, B complex, B6, and the neurotransmitter serotonin being active as in the smooth functioning of the brain.

Here are eight reasons why you should add more banana into your daily diet:

1. Salubrious channel indigestion

Banana fiber, carbohydrates which help regulate the digestive system the body by helping maintain a regular bowel movement remains. Bananas contain pectin, which helps to improve overall digestion and prevent constipation. Not only that, it also has the effect of antacids are bananas, which helps prevent disease recurrence ulcer. Routine eating bananas also helps reduce the risk of gastric cancer. If you have any problems in the stomach, try add the banana into your diet menu, to help overcome digestive problems.

2. the best source of potassium

Eat bananas is the easiest way for our bodies retain the adequacy of potassium. Potassium content in bananas give a calming effect on the mind is busy. High levels of stress deplete potassium levels tend to be in the human body. By eating bananas, we can help to maintain the balance of potassium in the body due to stress.

3. improve kidney function

Potassium in bananas have the side-effect is good for the kidneys. When your body is getting enough potassium, the body will control the expenditure of calcium in the urine. This condition will make Your kidneys continue to work well, in addition to also reduce the risk of kidney stones. Keep in mind that bananas have the level of phenolic compounds antioxidants that high, which plays the role of helping to protect the kidneys.

4. Strengthen bones

Bananas contain prebiotik called fructooligosaccharide. Fructooligosaccharide allows our body to absorb the nutrients more easily. It means that bananas will help your body absorb calcium, thus providing you with strong bones. In fact, the content of potassium in bananas can help prevent the loss of calcium, which means that you have a lower risk for osteoporosis later in the day he had.

5. Lower blood pressure

Doctors often recommend that patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) to add more bananas into their diet. Why? Due to the high levels of potassium and sodium is low in bananas is a great combination to prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

6. improve energy

Bananas are rich in carbohydrate content of healthy acting helps increase energy. Eating bananas at breakfast or after strenuous exercise may be the best way to boost energy without having to consume sweet beverages.

7. Healthy vision

Eat a banana every day can provide a great benefit to eyesight. Eat at least three servings of fruit per day can lower the risk of vision disorders associated with age or is usualy called macular degeneration. Someone who consume three or more servings of fruit per day, 36 percent lower to suffer from macular degeneration than those who consume less than 1.5 servings a day. There has never been a Word to start eating bananas too late to prevent further loss of vision.

8. Affect mood

Bananas have tryptophan, amino acids are compounds that helps the body produce serotonin. The neurotransmitter is helping you to feel calm and stabilize mood (mood) naturally.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Saffron in Turmeric Prevent Diabetes

Saffron in Turmeric Prevent Diabetes
Saffron in Turmeric Prevent Diabetes - In addition to the kitchen, turmeric spice turned out to be a potentially powerful prevent diabetes thanks to the active compound in turmeric, saffron. Formerly saffron are also known to kill cancer cells and effective as antimicrobial.

Saffron is able to fight off inflammatory and oxidative reactions that damage the body's cells. Both of these processes are known to exist in various diseases, including type two diabetes. In research for 9 months, it is noted that people consume Curcumin extract supplement one dose per day could prevent diabetes.

The research was published in the journal Diabetes Care that involves 240 people who suffer from pradiabetes, Thailand a condition where blood sugar levels they exceeded normal levels but not including diabetes. If not addressed could be diabetes pradiabetes.

The respondents in this study were given random capsules or a placebo and saffron capsules that do not have active substances.

After 9 months, about 19 of 116 people from a placebo group suffered from diabetes type two. While the group who got the Saffron none suffered from diabetes.

Because this research is carried out within a short period, then diabetes experts said could not conclude whether the extract of Saffron worth consumed every day. Although consumption of Saffron extract in the form of supplements have not been recommended, but we can still get the benefits of Saffron spiced cuisine through turmeric.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lowering Cholesterol with Two Apples every day

Lowering Cholesterol with Two Apples every day
Lowering Cholesterol with Two Apples every day - The habit of eating apples, at least two daily, turned out to be effective for preventing heart disease. It turned out to be because Apple has the effect of lowering cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol.

Benefits of apples to prevent heart disease is more evident on the women's menopause. Women who have been exposed to high risk indeed menopause heart disease and stroke.

In the research proved, the woman who for six months routinely consume apples every day kolesterolnya levels lower than the 25 percent of those who don't eat apples.

The research was published in the journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Academy show after three months, total cholesterol levels from the Apple eaters down to 9 percent and bad cholesterol levels dropped 16 percent.

After six months, sharper longer, penurunannya i.e. total cholesterol was down 13 percent, and cholesterol is evil to 24 percent.

As a comparison, in this study the researchers also analyzed respondents who ate the plums (prunes). This group also occurs a decrease in cholesterol but only a little.

The researchers concluded that consumption of a medium-sized apples as much as two fruit every day for three months was able to lower cholesterol. Previous research in the routine of eating apples Poland mention can keep someone from bowel cancer disease.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Want Longevity? Reduce Meal Portions

Want Longevity? Reduce Meal Portions
Want Longevity? Reduce Meal Portions - Forget the gym hard at the gym, diet, slimming pills or strict. If you want to get fit, longevity and reduce the portions You eat enough everyday.

Such advice from Dr. Michael Mosley, a presenter with BBC science show. He mentioned that research-ongoing research is increasingly leading to a high rate of metabolism (how the body uses energy to organ function), are risk factors of premature death.

Mosley also took the example of Japan and the United States that society is now doing a low calorie diet tend to be aged much longer life expectancy than globally.

"It's obvious that aging is a product of high metabolic rate will change increase free radicals. When we are forced to limit calories or body with fasting, the body will adapt and your metabolism slows down, "he said.

Mosley also said he did not believe the importance of eating three times a day because of what we think of as hunger takes place due to the habit.

He suggested that we restrict calories approximately 600 daily or roughly the equivalent of a hamburger at a fast-food restaurant. In addition to fast he thought as well as effective as to slow down the metabolism of the body.

Two things, fasting or limit calories, would reduce the hormone IGF-1. These hormones actually keep and fix network, however in high levels of these hormones trigger cancer and aging thus.

Research conducted by the Institute of Health Ageing of the University College London to mention reduce your caloric intake to 40 per cent of all we can eat can extend up to 20 years of age.

"If you reduce the intake of laboratory mice eating up 40 percent, they would have lived 20 percent longer. In humans, that means about 20 years. And it is evident in the whole organism, not even on the labrador dog, "said the researchers.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

The best food for the eyes, Skin and hair

The best food for the eyes, Skin and hair
The best food for the eyes, Skin and hair - Every woman will definitely want to look beautiful and mesmerizing. Glowing skin, thick hair, sparkling eyes and body fit into many of Eve's dream. To get all of that, you don't need to spend a lot of money just to just undergo beauty treatments or buy various kinds of multivitamins. There is an easier way and natural with a little help from this super food:


Green vegetables: Spinach, broccoli and cabbage contain lutein and caroteinoid called pigment called zeaxanthinan. Both of these important compounds capable of maintaining Your cells from free radicals and help keep your eyes sparkle. Avoid cooking vegetables too ripe so that You get the best benefits from vegetables. Instead you can present the food this way in the FRY.


Yogurt: this drink contains good bacteria that helps your skin look healthy. Those who suffer from skin diseases such as eczema can get many advantages of daily intake of yoghurt.

Fish: Salmon, sardines and mackerel are a type of marine fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation of the skin and keep skin stay moist. In addition, fish oil also helps promote skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles, skin.

Berries: strawberries, blueberries, and other berry products containing antioxidants, phytonutrients are powerful to get rid of free radicals in the blood and maintain collagen levels, thereby increasing skin improvement. Collagen makes skin smooth and springy, dense.


Poultry: poultry Meat like chicken and Turkey provide high quality protein, essential for the growth, repair and maintenance of hair. Low-fat dairy such as skim milk, yogurt and cheese are other food sources high protein content. If you like eggs and do not suffer from high cholesterol, eat one egg yolk daily. One egg yolk mengadung B-12 Vitamins that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Salmon: this fish is exposed due to high content of omega three fatty acids, B12 and iron are also good for maintaining healthy hair. If you're a vegetarian, You can pick flax seeds instead.

Oysters: Try oysters for faster hair growth, because they are rich in deposits of zinc (zinc).

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